If you are not available, or simply do not wish to have a private Reiki session, Distance Healing is an option. Distance Healing works just as an in-person Reiki session does. Reiki energy transcends time and space, allowing healing to happen no matter where you are physically located. Having been attuned and trained in Distance Healing, we can discuss your reasons or areas in life in which you need energy healing. Reiki isn’t solely about the physical body— you may consider Distance Healing for a pet, a loved one, or even a situation. Distance Healing is also a wonderfully useful tool to send healing to your past (childhood traumas or situations) or even to your future!
Based on our discussion, I will approach your Distance Healing in a way that I am guided to for the situation. This might be channeling Reiki using a surrogate, using paper and a pendulum, or I might create a crystal grid working with crystals that I carefully select that have the metaphysical properties pertaining to the areas in which healing is needed.
If the Distance session is for you and you’d like to be aware of the session, I will ask you find a comfortable, quiet place in your location and text you when I begin the session. This is not a necessary step, but one I encourage, as it gives you an opportunity to be in tune with me. I will use Reiki on your crystal grid and channel Reiki energy into the crystals. After the session, you will have the opportunity to let me know if you felt any sensations. Reiki will always go where it is needed.
Distance Healing can last several days (you only pay a single fee) and I will use a pendulum for dowsing each day, along with keeping your crystal grid charged, until it indicates the client or situation no longer needs Reiki.
Cost for Distance Healing is $15.