Not only is Reiki beneficial to humans, it is also extremely beneficial to incorporate Reiki in our homes, offices or any place where you spend significant time. Negativity can leave imprints on our spaces and clearing these areas allow for calmness, peace and positivity.

These sessions include an initial consultation where you will fill out a Home Intake form, as well as a Hold Harmless form (Liability Waiver).

I am able to give Reiki to your entire space, or specific rooms or areas within it. I’m also able to give Reiki to specific objects. You are given the choice of having me smudge using Palo Santo or Sage—or the smoke-free options of White Sage Mist, Peruvian Florida Water or Peruvian Palo Santo Mist.

I will walk through your entire space or where you direct me, while smudging, channeling Reiki Energy to remove negativity and allowing positivity to flow.

I am currently booking in Toms River, NJ and surrounding areas. Cost is dependent on the size of area in need of clearing and your location, if outside of Toms River. Email for pricing and availability.